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Sexual addiction is a serious problem that can lead to negative consequences. There may not be an official method for diagnosing this type of addiction, but that doesn’t mean there is no help to be had.
Do you believe you have a sexual addiction? Are you concerned that a loved one is going down this path? There are many details to consider along the way, and it is a must that you know the ins and outs.
Below are 10 of the most common symptoms of sexual addiction.

A preoccupation with everything sex related is a sign of addiction.
- Preoccupation with everything related to sex. Do you find yourself thinking about sex throughout the day, even when your mind should be occupied with something else? If so, you may be addicted. This is particularly true if you are unable to control your thoughts, which can often times lead to some type of sexual activity.
- Engaging with more partners to satisfy your urge. Many people with a sexual addiction are unable to remain loyal to one partner, as they don’t often give them the attention they need to satisfy their craving. As a result, these people engage in sexual activity with multiple partners. This is risky on many different levels, including the fact that it increases the chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
- Inability to cut down on sexual activity. Do you know you have a problem? Do you realize that you need to cut down on your preoccupation with sex? If so, and you are still unable to make progress, it could be a symptom of addiction. This is similar to people who are addicted to drugs, fully aware that they are harming their body, but unable to stop because their addiction has grown too strong.
- Giving up other activities due to a preoccupation with sex. This could mean everything from a student who is struggling to keep up in school to somebody who stops playing sports because of their addiction. Just the same as a drug or alcohol addiction, those who are addicted to sex can’t get this out of their mind. This leads them to give up activities that they previously enjoyed.
- Spending a large amount of time on sexual related activities. This can include but is not limited to searching for partners, browsing pornographic websites, and reading pornographic magazines. While most people have the urge to do these things from time to time, especially searching for a partner, some do so with nothing more than sex on their mind.
- Neglecting obligations. Do you have a family? Do you attend school? Do you have a job? These are all obligations that require your attention. If you are addicted to sex, it is common to put these obligations on the backburner. This can lead to problems in your personal and financial life, which can result in additional struggles.
- Ignoring the negative consequences of risky sexual behavior. There are health and personal risks to consider. For example, this behavior could break up your marriage or relationship with your current partner. This behavior could lead to pregnancy, which will change two people’s lives forever. A person who is addicted to sex does not often think about the negative consequences. Even when they do, they ignore them and hope for the best.
- A growing problem. A sexual addiction can be a challenge to control. It is common for a person to increase the frequency of sexual activity. This can be everything from searching for more sex partners to hiring prostitutes. A problem that starts small can soon grow out of control.
- Unwilling to discuss the potential problem. If a person has a sexual addiction the last thing they will want to do is talk about this with somebody else. This is often times the same with people who are addicted to drugs. At first, they will not want to admit they have a problem. Over time, however, they may open up. This is particularly true if their addiction has gotten them into some type of trouble.
- Willing to trade time and money for sex. Some people will spend as much time or money as it takes to satisfy their craving. This can take away from other parts of their life, while also putting a strain on personal relationships and finances.
Does Treatment Exist?
Treating a sexual addiction is not the same as a drug or alcohol addiction. One of the primary reasons for this is the lack of a detoxification process. Even then, there are types of treatment that have been proven successful.
Many people benefit from joining a support group, such as Sex Addicts Anonymous. This gives them the opportunity to connect with people in the same position. By sharing guidance and advice, a group setting can help a person make big progress.
There are also rehab programs, with a heavy focus on cognitive behavioral therapy, which have been proven effective. This type of therapy helps people better understand their addiction, including sexual triggers. This allows them to control their actions in an attempt to avoid sexual behaviors and risky activity.
Some people experience all the symptoms of sexual addiction, while others only display one or two. If you or somebody in your life needs help with this type of addiction, consider all your options and then take the necessary steps towards a better future.