Alcohol & Drug Rehabs in Renton, Washington

Located in King County, Renton, Washington, is a spirited city in the suburbs of Seattle. Renton boasts of many fun family-filled experiences and adventures, but many in the city and surrounding King County struggle with drug and alcohol misuse. From January to September 2022, there were 644 confirmed drug and alcohol overdoses in King County.Drug and alcohol rehab in Renton can help prevent overdose fatalities by helping you get the short-term and long-term treatment you need to start on the road to long-term recovery. Many Renton drug rehabs and Renton alcohol rehabs offer free rehab or make paying for rehab convenient by taking private insurance, Medicare, and Apple Health as payment.
Renton Washington Drug Alcohol Rehab

Find the Best Renton, WA Addiction Rehabs

Showing 1-27 of 27 results
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(27) Results Found
Thumbnail Name Address Phone Treatment Insurance
Consejo Counseling and Referral Service Kent

Consejo Counseling and Referral Service Kent

723 SW 10th Street

Renton, WA, 98057

2064614880 Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
Programa SER

Programa SER

901 South 3rd Street

Renton, WA 98057

206-387-1240 Outpatient   Private  
North Star Treatment Group

North Star Treatment Group

707 S Grady Way #600

Renton, WA 98057

206-241-1187 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
Evergreen Treatment Services South King County Clinic

Evergreen Treatment Services South King County Clinic

1412 Southwest 43rd Street Suite 140

Renton, WA 98057

425-264-0750 Detox   Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
La Fe The Hope

La Fe The Hope

15 S Grady Way #528

Renton, WA 98057

425-793-9834 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
Pacific Northwest Adult and Teen Challenge Seattle Metro Campus for Men

Pacific Northwest Adult and Teen Challenge Seattle Metro Campus for Men

18611 148th Avenue Southeast

Renton, WA 98058

425-226-2608 Inpatient   N/A  
Family Therapy and Recovery

Family Therapy and Recovery

615 2nd St.

Tacoma, WA 98403

253-220-9452 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
RAYS Downtown Renton

RAYS Downtown Renton

1025 South 3rd Street

Renton, WA 98057

425-271-5600 Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
American Lake VA Medical Center

American Lake VA Medical Center

9600 Veterans Drive Southwest

Tacoma, WA 98498

800-329-8387 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
Greater Lakes Behavioral Health Main Office

Greater Lakes Behavioral Health Main Office

9330 59th Avenue Southwest

Lakewood, WA 98499

253-581-7020 Outpatient   Medicaid  
Asian Counseling Treatment Services

Asian Counseling Treatment Services

9100 Bridgeport Way SW

Lakewood, WA 98499

253-302-3826 Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare Seeley Lake Lodge

Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare Seeley Lake Lodge

9108 Lakewood Drive Southwest

Lakewood, WA 98499

253-581-6202 Inpatient   Medicaid  
Consejo Counseling and Referral Service Tacoma

Consejo Counseling and Referral Service Tacoma

5915 Orchard Street West

Tacoma, WA 98467

253-414-7461 Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
Alternative Counseling Spanaway

Alternative Counseling Spanaway

17002 Pacific Avenue South

Spanaway, WA 98387

253-538-2323 Outpatient   Private  
Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare Spanaway Clinic

Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare Spanaway Clinic

113 170th Street South

Spanaway, WA 98387

253-535-1935 Inpatient   Medicaid  
Social Treatment Opportunity Programs Tacoma Treatment Center

Social Treatment Opportunity Programs Tacoma Treatment Center

4301 South Pine Street Suite 112

Tacoma, WA 98409

253-471-0890 Outpatient   Private  
Multicare Behavioral Health Asian Counseling Services in Pierce County

Multicare Behavioral Health Asian Counseling Services in Pierce County

4301 South Pine Street Suite 456

Tacoma, WA 98409

253-301-5250 Outpatient   Medicaid  
Adonai Counseling and Employment

Adonai Counseling and Employment

4101 South M Street

Tacoma, WA 98418

253-777-1434 Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
Lakeside Milam Recovery Centers Outpatient Tacoma

Lakeside Milam Recovery Centers Outpatient Tacoma

3315 South 23rd Street Suite 102

Tacoma, WA 98405

253-272-2242 Outpatient   Private  
Tacoma Pierce County Health Department

Tacoma Pierce County Health Department

3629 South D Street

Tacoma, WA 98418

253-649-1500 Detox   Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
Sea Mar Community Health Centers Tacoma Behavioral Health Clinic

Sea Mar Community Health Centers Tacoma Behavioral Health Clinic

2121 South 19th Street

Tacoma, WA 98405

253-396-1634 Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
Bayview Recovery Center

Bayview Recovery Center

Tacoma, WA

(855) 478-3650 Outpatient   Private  
Tacoma Recovery Cafe

Tacoma Recovery Cafe

1321 Martin Luther King Jr Way

Tacoma, Washington 98405

253-533-9361 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
Alta Counseling and Testing

Alta Counseling and Testing

1712 6th Avenue

Tacoma, WA 98405

253-473-7586 Outpatient   Private  
New Connections Irmas House

New Connections Irmas House

613 South 15th Street

Tacoma, WA 98405

253-617-1405 N/A   Free   Medicaid  

Find Addiction Treatment Centers Near Renton, WA

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Alcohol and Drug Use Statistics in Renton

Here is some data related to drug and alcohol misuse in Renton and King County:1,2,3

Paying for Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Renton

renton washingtonIf you are just starting to consider attending rehab, you may believe that the cost of getting quality therapy may be out of your reach. If so, free and low-cost alcohol and drug rehab centers are available.

State-Funded Rehabs

The state of Washington sets certain funds aside to give to certain drug and alcohol rehabs. These funds are used to provide treatment to those who can’t afford rehab. Rehab centers that utilize those funds are called state-funded rehabs. To qualify for a state-funded rehab, you may have to submit proof that you have a low income.

Rehab Scholarships

Some alcohol and drug rehabs create a special fund to help pay for rehab for an individual who can’t afford to pay. This process, known as a rehab scholarship usually doesn’t have to be paid back, but you may have to go through an application process to be selected for a scholarship. To find out more about rehab scholarships, you can contact the rehab of your choice to see if any are available.

Charitable Organizations

Some charities offer free or low-cost rehab to those who can’t afford to pay for treatment. These charities, like The Salvation Army, are able to provide rehab for free or a low cost because of donations. You may have to apply for drug or alcohol rehab and prove that you have a low income to be accepted into a charitable rehab.

Here are some low-cost and free rehab options in and near Renton:

  • Riverton Place
  • Valley City Renton Clinic
  • Northwest Recovery Centers LLC
  • Sound Tukwila West

Private Insurance

If you find that free and low-cost rehabs are full or you don’t qualify, you can still reduce your rehab expenses while still getting quality care.

Using private insurance to pay for drug or alcohol rehab can help reduce or even eliminate any out-of-pocket rehab costs. Private health insurance, like Blue Cross Blue Shield and Aetna, will pay for some or all of the costs of rehab depending on your policy. To avoid unexpected costs, contact your insurance provider for a list of in-network rehabs.


If you don’t have private health insurance, you may be eligible to receive Medicare.

Medicare is a program paid for by the federal government. Medicare provided health benefits to those who are 65 years old or older. Medicare will pay for alcohol and drug rehab. Medicare will only pay for alcohol and drug therapy through a licensed rehab center.

Treatments that Medicare will pay for include:4

  • Inpatient rehab
  • Outpatient rehab
  • Medicines described during rehab
  • Hospitalizations due to substance abuse
  • Follow-up visits
  • Patient education resources about drug and alcohol misuse

To be eligible for Medicare, you must be 65 years old or older and be able to receive Social Security.

Apple Health

Due to your age, you may not qualify for Medicare. If you do not, you may be eligible to receive Apple Health.

Apple Health is state-funded and federally funded health benefits program for those who have a low income. Apple Health will pay for the costs of drug and alcohol rehab. Some of the therapies that Apple Health will pay for includes:5

  • Inpatient rehab
  • Outpatient rehab
  • Alcohol use treatment
  • Involuntary treatment
  • Medicines used to treat opioid use disorder
  • Opioid use treatment

To be eligible for Apple Health, you must be between 19-65 years of age, a Washington resident, have a low income, and not be incarcerated.

How Easy Is It to Travel to and Within Renton?

You may just be starting on your recovery journey and searching for the right rehab for you. You may ask “where is there a licensed drug rehab near me?” You may also want to know “how can I find a quality alcohol rehab near me?”

You may also want to know if you should travel to Renton for drug or alcohol rehab. If so, you will want to know some more information about this lively city.

Getting There

Due to Renton’s prime location as a Seattle suburb, there are three major airports that you can use to access the city: Seattle-Tacoma Airport, King County International Airport, and Kenmore Air-Lake Union.


Renton has many different hotel accommodations for any budget so you can be comfortable on your journey to recovery.

Getting Around the City

Renton is moderately walkable but public transportation is available. You may still require transportation to get around the city outside of the downtown areas.


There are many family-friendly experiences available in Renton. You can visit the Renton History Museum or the grave site of Jimi Hendrix. If you are more interested in the arts, you can take in a show at the Renton Civic Theatre. There’s also a lot of natural beauty and green spaces for you to enjoy in Riverview Park and the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park.


  1. King County Department of Public Health. (2022). King County Fatal Overdose Dashboard.
  2. King County City Council. (2022). Amid overdose surge, Council declares fentanyl a public health crisis.
  3. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2022). County Health Rankings and Roadmaps: Washington-King County.
  4. Center for Medicare Advocacy. (2022). Medicare Coverage of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
  5. Washington Health Care Authority. (2022). Substance Use Treatment.

Other Washington Rehab Centers

Bayview Recovery

Bayview Recovery

2156 Pacific Ave Tacoma, WA 98402

Detox Inpatient Outpatient
Royal Life Centers at The Haven

Royal Life Centers at The Haven

8649 Martin Way East Lacey, WA 98516

Detox Inpatient Outpatient
Prosperity Wellness Center Residential Services

Prosperity Wellness Center Residential Services

12201 Pacific Ave S Tacoma, WA 98444

Detox Inpatient Outpatient
Prosperity Counseling and Services

Prosperity Counseling and Services

5001 112th St E Tacoma, WA 98446

Detox Inpatient Outpatient
Pierce County Alliance

Pierce County Alliance

510 Tacoma Avenue South Tacoma, WA 98402

Medicaid Private
Serenity Counseling Services

Serenity Counseling Services

5005 Pacific Highway East Suite 20 Fife, WA 98424

Medical Reviewer
Dr Katie Brown, MD
Attending Physician
Read Bio
As a recent family medicine graduate, Dr. Katie Brown has a solid foundation in addiction medicine. She is certified to prescribe Suboxone for opioid use disorder and has treated many cases of substance use disorder in her clinic. She is particularly experienced in diagnosing and treating alcohol use disorder as well as its complications.