Alcohol & Drug Rehabs in Frisco, Texas

Find the best addiction treatment centers in Frisco. Browse 10+ outpatient rehabs, 10+ inpatient rehabs, and 10+ detox clinics in the state. Get the answer to common rehab FAQs including how much rehab costs in Frisco, substance abuse statistics, and important drug laws.
Frisco Texas Drug Alcohol Rehab

Find the Best Frisco, TX Addiction Rehabs

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Haven Behavioral Hospital

Haven Behavioral Hospital

5680 Frisco Square Boulevard First Floor

Frisco, TX 75034

469-535-6298 Detox   Inpatient   Private  
Restored Path Detox

Restored Path Detox

11777 Lebanon Rd

Frisco, TX 75035

469-827-0000 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
New Roads Outpatient Frisco

New Roads Outpatient Frisco

425 Old Newman Rd Suite 201 and 202

Frisco, TX 75034

214-924-0932 Outpatient   Private  
Access Counseling Group

Access Counseling Group

4280 Main Street Suite 300

Frisco, TX 75034

972-905-6574 Outpatient   Private  
Prime Psychiatry & TMS Center

Prime Psychiatry & TMS Center

11330 Legacy Dr #103

Frisco, TX 75033

469-777-4691 Detox   Outpatient   Private  
Aspire Recovery Center

Aspire Recovery Center

8380 Warren Parkway Suite 602

Frisco, TX 75034

469-249-9363 Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
Access Counseling Group

Access Counseling Group

4280 Main Street Suite 300

Plano, TX 75034

972-905-6574 Outpatient   Private  
Real Deal West Plano Sober Living

Real Deal West Plano Sober Living

4445 Burnhill Dr

Plano, TX 75024

469-599-2162 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
Arise Recovery Centers McKinney

Arise Recovery Centers McKinney

6850 TPC Dr STE 204

Plano, TX 75070

469-881-8799 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
Carrollton Springs

Carrollton Springs

2225 Parker Road

Carrollton, TX 75010

972-242-4114 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
Texas Clinic of Prestonwood

Texas Clinic of Prestonwood

6957 West Plano Parkway Suite 1400

Plano, TX 75093

214-345-8060 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
LifePath Systems Plano Outpatient Clinic

LifePath Systems Plano Outpatient Clinic

7308 Alma Drive

Plano, TX 75025

972-422-5939 Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Allen

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Allen

1105 Central Expressway

Allen, TX 75013

972-747-1000 Detox   Inpatient   Outpatient   Private  
Life Management Resources

Life Management Resources

5068 West Plano Parkway Suite 134

Plano, TX 75093

972-985-7565 Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  
Life Management Resources

Life Management Resources

5068 West Plano Parkway Suite 134

Plano, TX 75093

972-985-7565 Detox   Outpatient   Medicaid   Private  

Find Addiction Treatment Centers Near Frisco, TX

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Expert Insights

I learned from a recent study published in Frisco news that a medication to treat opioid use disorder reduces the risk of overdose by 62 percent! What’s surprising to me is that when we think about recovery from drugs like heroin, or pain pills, we think about AA meetings. Yet, this study shows there are more successful treatments out there. I know of so many people who have tried to get sober in the rooms and kept relapsing, thinking they just weren’t trying hard enough. When in reality, opioid addiction is really difficult to overcome. My hope is that more studies like this one make the news so that a medication with a high success rate is also an option synonymous with recovery. Too many people are losing their lives when there is FDA-approved treatment available.

~ Olivia Pennelle

How Expensive is Drug Rehab in Frisco?

Knowing exactly how much you will pay for treatment at a Frisco, TX, drug and alcohol rehab can be challenging since so many factors affect the cost. Prices can range from $0 at facilities that offer free care up to thousands of dollars at more luxurious centers with a lot of amenities.

Some other factors that will affect your treatment costs are:3

  • Whether you are in an inpatient (typically more expensive) or an outpatient program
  • How long you stay in the treatment program
  • Your health insurance policy
  • The location of the rehab center
  • Staff-to-patient ratios
  • The amenities offered, such as private rooms and gourmet food

Many Frisco drug and alcohol rehabs offer payment plans, sliding-scale fees, scholarships, or other financial aid if you have trouble paying for treatment.

Are There Low-Cost and Free Drug Rehab Centers in Frisco?

A 2019 study found that just under 21% of people couldn’t afford to pay for the treatment they needed.4 Lack of funds shouldn’t keep you from receiving treatment. Fortunately, Frisco offers free and low-cost rehabs in the area.

When searching for “drug rehabs near me,” you will find that some Frisco, TX, facilities are state-funded. This means they receive money from the Texas government to help cover costs for those who qualify for free treatment. The government website, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), has a directory of free rehabs in Texas.5

To qualify for free treatment, you may have to meet certain requirements, such as being a resident of Texas, having an income below a certain threshold, and having no access to health insurance.

Do Medicare and Medicaid Cover Drug Rehab?

Medicare and Medicaid do help pay for rehab, partially thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which recently mandated that Medicaid and Medicare, along with all insurance policies issued under the state health exchanges, cover part or all the rehab costs in their programs.6

Medicaid is a program that is funded in part by the federal government and also in part by each state. Many Frisco drug rehabs accept Medicaid as an insurance provider at their facility, considering it is the largest provider of insurance in the country, covering over 72.5 million Americans.7 The details of the program look slightly different from state to state, so you should look at the Medicaid services available in Texas specifically. Eligible groups that can get Medicaid coverage include low-income individuals, pregnant women, children, or those receiving supplemental security income (SSI).7

All Medicaid programs pay for some level of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction under their mental health services. These treatment programs typically include therapy, medication management, social work services, and peer support groups.8

Medicare is not funded by the state but solely at the federal level, which means the program remains consistent across the country. This program also has eligibility requirements in that you must be an American citizen, over the age of 65, or have a qualifying disability. Medicare covers a wide range of healthcare, including drug and alcohol rehab at the outpatient level, inpatient level, and medical detox treatment.8

Does Private Insurance Cover Addiction Treatment?

Private insurance policies are often offered through employers but also through the government health insurance exchange. These insurance policies will help cover costs through things like co-pays, deductibles, and co-insurance rates.

Co-pays are a predetermined amount of money set by the insurance company that you are responsible for paying when attending an appointment or buying a prescription.

A deductible is also a predetermined amount of money set by insurance that you will pay out-of-pocket in healthcare costs before the insurance company begins to cover a percentage of the costs.

Co-insurance is typically a percentage your insurance company will pay once you meet your deductible.

Out-of-pocket Maximum
Your insurance company will begin covering 100% of healthcare costs once you reach the out-of-pocket maximum. You can also check the back of your insurance card for a phone number to call and ask about plan details and rehab costs.

How Does Frisco Compare in Alcohol and Drug Use?

You may feel overwhelmed when deciding on a drug rehab in Frisco, TX. There are many options for treatment and various factors to consider when making a decision. Drug and alcohol rehab in Frisco, TX, can come in the form of state-funded facilities and in luxury private centers offering various treatment programs. Whatever you may be searching for, you will be able to find the care you need.

Drug and Alcohol Laws in Frisco, TX

Texas Good Samaritan Overdose Prevention Statute: This law protects you from legal ramifications if you call emergency services to request assistance with a substance overdose. There are exceptions to the protection this law provides; however, the law exists so that you can feel safe in reaching out for emergency help when it is needed.

Rehab for Individuals Arrested or Convicted for Non-Violent Crimes: Texas Senate Bill 1849 requires staff at jails to assess whether an inmate has an alcohol addiction. They are also required to quickly move the inmate to a rehab facility rather than keeping them at the jail.

Texas Protections for Employees Seeking Addiction Treatment: The federal Family Leave and Medical Act (FLMA) and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) both provide protection for your job if you voluntarily take time off of work to seek alcohol addiction treatment.

What to Expect at Drug Rehab

Drug and alcohol rehab is a long process that often spans a lifetime. While detox is often the first step in the drug and alcohol rehab process, it is not the only step necessary in recovery.

Many rehab centers offer detox along with ongoing care, including individual therapy, education, family therapy, and peer support.

Receiving a Substance Abuse Assessment

When you arrive at a Frisco, TX, drug and alcohol rehab, the staff will likely start your treatment by conducting a substance abuse assessment. Your primary care physician can also conduct an assessment and give you referrals for appropriate rehab centers.

A substance abuse assessment is a tool used to determine what level of care you need. The assessment looks for whether you meet specific criteria for substance abuse as laid out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It will also assess your condition’s severity and recommend a level of care based on the results.

The criteria used for assessments include the following questions:9

  • Do you take larger amounts of the substance than you are meant to or take it for longer than you are meant to?
  • Do you want to or try to stop using the substance but are not able to?
  • Do you spend a lot of time using the substance or recovering from using it?
  • Do you have cravings and urges to use?
  • Is your substance use causing issues in completing responsibilities at work, school, or home?
  • Do you continue to use it even when it causes problems in your relationships?
  • Have you stopped engaging in important activities that you used to do to use?
  • Do you continue using the substance even when it puts your life or health in danger?
  • Do you continue using even when you know the substance may cause or worsen a physical or psychological problem you have?
  • Do you need to take more of the substance than when you started to get the effect you want?
  • Do you experience withdrawal symptoms that go away if you take the substance?

Many assessments will also help your care team discover any co-occurring conditions that need treatment, such as anxiety or depression.

Medical Detox

Medical detox, as mentioned earlier, is often the first step of recovery. Detox is the process your body goes through to get rid of the effects of drugs and/or alcohol in your body. This process often produces uncomfortable symptoms that can be alleviated by medicine.

Common withdrawal symptoms you may experience during a substance detox include:10

  • Anxiety, depression, or irritability
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Shaking and/or tremors
  • Confusion
  • Sweating or clammy skin
  • Headaches
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Increased heart rate
  • Loss of appetite and/or weight loss

Inpatient Drug Rehab in Frisco, TX

Inpatient rehab in Frisco is the highest level of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. During inpatient rehab, you will stay overnight at the facility and receive 24-hour access to your treatment team. How long you stay in an inpatient program varies based on your needs and can last for weeks, months, or even a year.

Inpatient care has several benefits over outpatient care, including:11

  • Providing a structure that makes it easier to learn and practice healthy coping skills
  • Building routines for you that establish better life habits to continue once treatment ends
  • Providing an environment free from triggers that lead you to use
  • Quick and easy access to the medical staff at any time of day or night
  • A consistent support system built with others at the inpatient level

Step-Down Care

As mentioned above, there are varying levels of care available in a Frisco drug and alcohol rehab. The inpatient programs provide the most intense level of care, and often a treatment team will recommend step-down care once you complete your inpatient program. That means you will step down to a less intensive outpatient program.

Outpatient care may include attending a partial hospitalization program (PHP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), or a standard outpatient program. These programs do not require you to stay overnight in the facility, and they will each have different requirements on the number of treatment sessions you attend each week.

When you are in inpatient rehab, the routines and structure are set for you by a team of professionals. Step-down care is an important part of the recovery process because it allows you to begin practicing your new coping skills and habits in the real world while still receiving support from your treatment team.

Not everyone starts with an inpatient program and then steps down to outpatient. You can be recommended for any level of care based on your assessment and what the professionals think you need.

Aftercare and Relapse Prevention

Relapse is a normal part of drug and alcohol addiction. That is because addiction is considered a chronic condition, much like asthma and hypertension. Relapse does not mean that you have failed recovery; it means that something about your recovery treatment plan needs to be revisited or adjusted.11

Relapse does not happen in one moment or suddenly, but rather a process that takes place gradually over time. The three stages of relapse are:12

  • Emotional relapse: when you begin to ignore or bottle your feelings and do not express needs to those around you
  • Mental relapse: when you begin thinking about using the substance again, craving it, and minimizing the negative effects it had on you previously
  • Physical relapse: when you start using the substance again

Many Frisco drug and alcohol rehabs make relapse prevention plans a part of their treatment programs, where you are educated on early signs of relapse and how to cope with them. These plans are usually a collaboration between you and your treatment team, so they are specific to your triggers and environment.

Your treatment team will also work with you to create an aftercare plan that may include attending Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings, staying in sober living, and continuing ongoing therapy.

What to Consider When Choosing the Right Frisco, TX Rehab for You

When you search for “alcohol rehabs near me,” you will most likely find many options. How do you decide as to which one is right for you? Some suggestions of things to consider include:13

  • What type of care do you need?
  • Does the rehab center provide the specialized care you need?
  • Does the rehab center have proven success with its patients?
  • What does their relapse prevention plan and response to relapse look like?
  • Is it conveniently located for you to attend?
  • What amenities are important to you, and which rehabs offer them?
  • What are the program rules regarding visitors?

What to Look for in a Quality Treatment Program

It can be difficult to know what to look for when choosing a quality treatment program. Many things contribute to the quality of an alcohol rehab center.

Program Accreditation
Looking to see if your rehab is accredited by one of the most well-known accrediting organizations is a good way to measure their quality. The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and the Joint Commission, previously known as JCAHO, are the two most commonly found accreditations.

If your rehab center shows these on their website, it means the governing bodies found the center to meet their requirements for providing quality care.

Individualized Treatment Plans

You are an individual, and your treatment needs will differ from your peers. This is why having an individualized treatment plan is so important. One-size-fits-all approaches are not the most effective way to run a program. A quality treatment center will focus on creating an individualized treatment plan that fits your specific needs.

Individualized plans might include having family members join therapy sessions, involving spirituality or holistic interventions in your treatment, or treating you for more than one condition at a time, such as addiction and depression.

Payment Options A quality treatment program will prioritize providing care to everyone who needs it. That includes finding a way to treat those who cannot afford the costs. Look for a rehab center that offers multiple financing options and accepts varying types of insurance.

If financing options are not given on the website of a rehab facility, call the center to make sure you know all the options they offer.

Use of Evidence-Based Practices and Therapies

Researchers and medical professionals continually conduct studies to determine the best evidence-based interventions so that treatment centers can use the most proven methods.

Some of the interventions that have proven to be effective include:13

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Contingency management (using rewards for abstinent behavior)
  • Motivational interviewing or motivational enhancement therapy
  • Family therapy
  • 12-step programs like NA or AA

Family Involvement
Drug and alcohol addiction can have a severe impact on family relationships. This is why many rehab centers offer family therapy and education to family members as part of their program. Involving your family members can help them learn how to best support you in your recovery journey and how to heal from past wounds.

Should I Travel to Frisco, TX, for Drug and Drug and Alcohol Treatment?

FriscoHow do you know if traveling to Frisco for drug and alcohol treatment is the best choice for you? These may be reasons why traveling is best:

  • The treatment you need is not offered where you live.
  • You want to be in an environment like Frisco, TX, while you recover.
  • You have friends or family in Frisco, TX, that you want to be near.
  • Recovering away from your hometown will provide some privacy and anonymity.
  • Your insurance covers treatment in Frisco, TX.

Neighborhoods in Frisco to Consider for Treatment

Frisco is just 25 minutes north of downtown Dallas and a convenient 25-minute drive from both Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and Dallas Love Field Airport.

Frisco Square is one area that hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including Arts in the Square, Music in the Square, and the annual Christmas in the Square holiday light show (the largest choreographed lights and music show in North Texas).

Frisco is also known as Sports City USA since it is the home of several sports venues. The city also offers a sculpture garden and growing museum district that includes the Museum of the American Railroad, the National Videogame Museum, the Frisco Heritage Museum, and the National Soccer Hall of Fame.


  1. Texas Health and Human Services. (2022, May 10). Alcohol-Associated Cancers. Texas Department of State Health Services.
  2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2019, February 5). 2016-2017 NSDUH State-Specific Tables.
  3. Broome, K.M., Knight, D.K., Joe, G.W., & Flynn, P.M. (2012). Treatment program operations and costsJournal of Substance Abuse Treatment42(2), 125-133.
  4. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administation. (2020). Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. (HHS Publication No. PEP20-07-01-001, NSDUH Series H-55). Rockville, MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
  5. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2016, December 16). Directory of Single State Agencies (SSA) for Substance Abuse Services
  6. (n.d.). Mental health & substance abuse health coverage.
  7. (n.d.). Eligibility.
  8. (2020, March 18). Health Insurance and Mental Health Services.
  9. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
  10. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Alcohol withdrawal.
  11. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2022, March 22). Treatment and Recovery. National Institutes of Health.
  12. Melemis, S. M. (2015, September 3). Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of RecoveryThe Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine88(3), 325-332.
  13. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2021). Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help. National Institutes of Health

Other Texas Rehab Centers

Olivia Pennelle
Olivia Pennelle
Counselor, Expert Author, Podcaster
Read Bio
Located in Portland, OR, Olivia Pennelle (Liv) is an author, journalist & content strategist. She's the founder of Liv’s Recovery Kitchen, a popular site dedicated to providing the ingredients for a fulfilling life in recovery. Liv also co-founded the podcast Breaking Free: Your Recovery, Your Way. She found recovery in 2012 & her pathway is a fluid patchwork of what works for her.
Medical Reviewer
Libby Pelligrini, MMS, PA-C
Physician Assistant & Medical Writer
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Libby Pellegrini, MMS, PA-C, is a professionally-trained physician assistant. She has worked in numerous emergency healthcare settings, ranging from the rural United States to large metropolitan areas. Her experience helping patients suffering from acute crises related to intoxication and substance use disorders informs her passion for addiction medicine.