15 Group Activities for Addiction Treatment

Reading Time: 4 minutes

One of the most beneficial, not to mention fun activities in addiction treatment are the group activities. These activities are designed to promote trust, sharing, skills, and alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal. Many people who stop using have no idea what to do with their time once their addiction ends. These activities help them learn new skills and get ideas for things they can do after treatment ends.

1. Educational Group Therapy

Educational group therapy is something that should be in every addiction treatment setting. This involves educating individuals about drugs, withdrawal, drug treatment, and their available options. Many people do not know what they can do to help themselves recover from their addiction. This group activity allows you to ask questions and hear the questions that others have.

2. Motivational Group Therapy

Motivational group therapy helps people learn motivational skills and techniques. It also provides much needed motivational support to the group. Many addicts have difficulty stopping the addiction because it robs them of the motivation to change. A motivational therapy group changes this and helps you learn the skills to continue being motivated to change.

3. Music Therapy

According to the American Music Therapy Association, music therapy is valuable in a clinical setting. It provides:

  • stress management,
  • relaxation,
  • group learning,
  • alleviation of boredom, and
  • general wellness.

Music therapy in an addiction setting gives you something to do with your hands and helps you to socialize without having to speak in a group setting.

4. Nature Walks

Group Activities for Addiction Treatment

Nature walks are a therapeutic group activity.

Hiking and nature walks are not only great exercise, they provide relaxation and a meditative form of therapy. Not all treatment programs can offer this but the concept is often modified to accommodate city and other settings.

5. Yoga

Yoga classes are an excellent group activity for addiction treatment. Studies show that yoga classes reduce stress, help with circulation, and otherwise reduce the withdrawal symptoms. Yoga is practiced in many of the available therapeutic settings today.

6. Art Classes

Art is one of the most recognized holistic therapeutic practices. Art as a group activity helps addicts learn about themselves while keeping their hands busy. Many addictions cause fidgeting and restlessness. Art therapy helps to calm and quiet these feelings.

7. Cooking

Cooking and baking are both activities that promote body wellness. Many addicts do not know the basics of nutrition, meal planning, and how to eat healthy. Group cooking activities can be meal planning, cooking, baking, or shopping exercising. Cooking works well as a group activity because of the reward at the end of the session. Most people enjoy eating what they made as well as the sense of accomplishment that they receive.

8. Sharing

Sharing activities are difficult for some people but they are a good way to show addicts they are not alone in their struggles. This part of the reason way community and 12 step programs are helpful. The idea that you are not alone in your addiction is a very powerful one. Sharing group activities are an important part of many treatment programs.

9. Adventure Therapy

Adventure therapy is one of the more costly and difficult group activities. In this activity the group learns that their drug or addiction is not the only type of high available. Adventure therapy introduces people to the thrill of adventure and adventure activities. This is a very powerful group activity when you have the opportunity to engage in it.

10. Group Meditation

Group meditation is a proven relaxation technique. As a group activity, you can learn different ways of meditating and relaxing. Group meditation is practiced all over the world today and continues to be a highly recommended treatment for stress and addiction.

11. Group Relaxation

Group relaxation and guided visualization is a great activity in addiction treatment. According to the Mayo Clinic, relaxation is useful in managing stress and improving your quality of life. Relaxation as a group activity is easy to do and does not have to be social. You can easily do the techniques you learn when your treatment is finished.

12. Team Sports

Team sports work as team building activities. They are great for exercise and normal social interaction. Most people who participate in team sports have a higher confidence level and higher self-esteem.

13. Role Playing Activities

Role playing activities are an excellent form of training for dealing with situations in society that an addict may come across. You can rehearse the things that might make you relapse or situations that you have to deal with and get the opinions of others.

14. Group Dance Classes

Group dance is another excellent exercise. It can be structured dance in the form of dance training or just random dance to relieve stress and tension. Dancing relieves tension, allows a person to relax and can be meditative.

15. Drumming

Although it sounds strange, drumming is an excellent group treatment activity. The rhythmic pounding and noise is actually quite relaxing. Many compare the trance like state that people fall into while drumming to deep medication. It is also a fun way to relieve tension and stress.

Group activities are an important part of addiction treatment. The spirit of cooperation, trust, and fun that often surrounds them often helps with the stress and symptoms of withdrawal. Most group activities are simple and require little or no prior knowledge.